If You’re a Photographer You Need This

If You’re a Photographer You Need This

As technology continues to expand there are tools that you need to know about that will help you manage your photos and files, fast and more efficiently than ever before. It’s true! Our SmartQ C608 Dual Lighting Card Reader will even help you speed up your photography workflow by enabling simultaneous transfers from multiple cards.

C608 supports both Micro SD and SD cards for easy file transfer. We have even developed a Power-Reader App available on iTunes to help you manage your data, including support RAW files! YES! It’s true, you can now manage you RAW and wide format files.

This is as easy as it gets, allowing you to simply plug right into your iPhone mobile device via their respective plugs. They’re also tiny enough to travel with you to the most remote locations. If you are in a remote place, don’t worry, because this SmartQ device will work both online and offline if you do not have WiFi or cellular service.

You will love the big benefits that come with this device. Managing files, photos, and easily transferring data between you apple devices, tablets, digital camera and more, has never been so easy. Take your photography to a whole new level with SmartQ C608.